Yinzers Are People Too

Too damn many clicks for something I used all the time. I liked it right there on the left.

Every time we threw a party back in college we made sure to have these 6 essentials: Maker's Mark, Jose Cuervo, Three Olives, Captain Morgan, Bacardi, Beefeater. I think that'd handle election night quite well.

That's exactly what 4.x was meant to be.

But those are not OS level differences, they're form-factor differences—which you point out. 4.2 isn't going to be tablet-only. It's going to be the next version of Android, which will work on tablets and phones, and it will include minor differences between the two to most efficiently take advantage of the

Android 4.2 appears to be a scaled up, tablet only version of Android, much like 3.0 (aka Honeycomb) was.

I can't decide if this is cruel and unusual or brilliant parenting. I think I'll try it out on my kid some day if he ever breaks something of mine on purpose...he's only 10 weeks old though so I don't know if I'll remember...

I honestly thought tethering was part of Sprint's unlimited plans...whoops! I guess I've been rooted too long!

Do you really think any of the players would've admitted they wanted to take Sid's C if it were true? No. they wouldn't have.

It's possible retailers have the details on the specs and the physical appearance of the phone, but do not have any actual screenshots of 4.2 running on the phone. If this is the case they could've decided to slap a photoshopped screen onto the phone so they could get something up on their sites.

I wouldn't believe anything I see concerning a WebOS device at CES without bloggers getting actual hands-on time after the way Palm faked their way through the Pre demos. I was let down way too hard by unfulfilled promises from Palm to let myself get excited about anything WebOS related.

If I already have a Sprint smart phone I have unlimited data. Why wouldn't I tether? I'm not trying to be a smartass here. I really don't see any benefit to paying an extra $15/month for a gig of data when I could tether my tablet to my phone instead.

RTFA: "(there are apps for Android and iPhone, in addition to Windows stuff)"

Which part do you disagree with? Sure, some injuries take longer to care for than one play, I won't deny that. But forcing anyone taken off the field with an injury for an entire series is either going to force players who tweaked something or got a charlie horse or whatever to sit out unnecessarily or it's going to

If you roll an ankle on the first play of what ends up being an eight minute drive that doesn't seem fair. Tape it, walk it off, and get back in. Legitimately injured players could end up being forced to sit out longer than necessary. This would cause more harm to the game than the occasional fake injury.

You are wrong and you are an embarrassment to intelligent people everywhere.

Thanks for saving me the click-through.

I truly thought I may have been missing something. The impassioned plea with the reader to change their passwords frequently seemed so sure it would solve this problem.

Can you explain why changing passwords regularly would prevent a brute-force attacc?

So people are supposed to be okay with an inferior product because they didn't have any product ten years ago? That's ridiculous. Google Maps was an amazing piece of software that Apple took away from its users. It was a calculated business decision, but they should've waited until their offering was more refined.

Of course it's obvious. That's exactly what they're trying to do. They're not hiding the fact that they want people to use the comment system they put a ton of time and effort into "improving" for us.