Yinzers Are People Too

The concept got the Pens Lemieux and Crosby, so I'm cool with it.

It's, uh, clearly going quite well for him so far...

I was wondering the same thing. What's your region?

I'm sure there are very good legal reasons for this, but it sounds like a very weak argument not to allow a piece of evidence this powerful. I'm sure Samsung has plans to appeal based on this if Apple wins.

It sounds likely. maybe when Jobs was still at work Cook had more time to keep things locked up tight. Now that Cook is in charge, someone else is doing a much worse job than Cook keeping things quiet.

*crosses fingers for an android table app*

The judge isn't the voice of reason if he's disallowing evidence that would definitely prove Samsung didn't copy Apple, right?

I've spent my whole life thinking that discretely and discreetly were both spelled "discretely" and were homonyms. Damn.

The Nexus Q was a bad idea from the start. They should've just baked the functionality into Google TV. The functionality was never worthy of a separate box...erm, orb...in the first place.

the unjust farce known as "democracy."

Except Batman has a rule that he doesn't use guns and he doesn't kill people on purpose. So...no. Pick a super hero that does kill people.

If I'm given pennies with my change I usually leave them in the "take a penny leave a penny" tray at the counter. If I don't do that they end up sitting in a mug on my dresser until I have enough that it seems worth counting them out and changing them for real money. It is never worth it. Ever.

I punched a wall and got myself a boxer's fracture in December of '10. I still get pain in my hand from time-to-time. Don't punch hard things, guys, it's never a good idea.

I like this idea. Of course the kids could always hard reset the router and change the password on the parents. Depending on the parents that will either lead to horrible punishments rendering the idea useless or very frustrated parents.

One of the best things about the Gawker Network comment system was the ability to banhammer trolls. The fact that they took that away is ridiculous. Although with the option to create a burner account it doesn't really matter if someone gets the banhammer. Really, really stupid.

They have the right. And people have the right to call them out on what are generally perceived to be bigoted views and to boycott them and to point out when the company is being shady.

Is there such a thing as being banned on Gawker anymore? Because there's way too much of this garbage.

The phrase "Pittsburgh Jagoffery" can describe so many things that go on in this city.

Well, since we're adapted to live in our environment it's likely we'd be better able to survive here than the aliens in the long-term. They'd need to constantly protect themselves from our germs. We'd have to avoid them until they all died out. I'm not sure who would win the race to survival, but I don't think they'd

For a $150 I'm a hell of a lot more likely to try and make my own than to buy one. For $50 there's a damn good chance this would've been in my son's bedroom in 4 weeks when he's born. For anything less than $50 it would've been guaran-damn-teed.