Tee Fucking Hee

I’m sure the NYPD will investigate themselves and determine that there was no wrong-doing here.

Yep, illegal on roadways. Death penalty without trial certainly called for, no question about it.

Hey, not all of us Alabamians voted for this crooked-assed clown. I still don’t know how he was allowed to run for Senator while residing in Florida at the time, outside of holding a mailing address in Mobile.

Not that I have a problem with the basic idea here, but some people are just going to steal cars to do takeovers if this becomes a thing.

The takeover people are dumb and need to stop, but I have issue with giving government a way to seize cars.  They better have darn clear language of exactly what applies.

Thank you! Whenever I see any Nazi symbolism, either tattoos or written material I am reminded of my uncle, who I am named after, that was KIA in April of 1945 in Germany and by my father, who was wounded twice once by a bayonet in the Battle of the Bulge and finally shot just before his brother was killed. It makes

I don’t get the appeal of Nazis. They are, above all, LOSERS.

TF do you think 2 lightning strikes mean? Get smarter or stfu

I always look and yes analyze a person’s tattoo.  They put a permanent symbol of what they believe in for the world to see.  The point is to make a statement about yourself.  Personal tattoos should be in less visible areas.

And yet the author of this story noted plainly seeing the Nazi tattoos on his 14" laptop screen.

I agree with you 100% . I live in the western portion of Alabama, just off the same I-20 corridor that goes through Talladega. I see these jokers everyday, and they’re not ashamed to show it.

People have grown with the mentality that rights are zero-sum games -- that you lose rights by giving other people rights -- and mostly its white people, likely because they fear being treated like they normally treat other people. 

It’s more like “rural America” than just the South. The South gets a lot of credit for their racism, but confederate flags are flown proudly everywhere in the country. 

Speak for yourself: I look at a person’s tattoos when I meet them, it’s their tl;dr Cliffs Notes as to who they are. I recently met an extraordinarily cool woman with a photorealistic tattoo of the Grumman produced lunar landing module on her shoulder and it galvanized my attention. You can F’ing bet my attention

Worth noting that there is no such thing as a “Nazi sympathizer.”  If you have 9 Nazis sitting at a table and one “Nazi sympathizer,” you have 10 Nazis.

Fuck nazis, and fuck nazi sympathizers.


Of all the delusional acts committed by Orange Julius during his four-year reign of terror, deciding he had better taste than the combined forces of Raymond Loewy and Jacqueline Kennedy was probably the most delusional of them all.

The new livery should be scrapped because he is f*cking traitor, but I’ll accept this excuse.

The original livery is iconic and should not be messed with.