Tee Fucking Hee

Some people think snark is cuter than a straightforward answer — but I do not.  Here you go: https://web.archive.org/web/20080814223138/https://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stories.nsf/stlouiscitycounty/story/e46ab1dac7e0a0f8862574a300522679/?OpenDocument

Allow me to fix that headline for you: A Rivian driver Said He thinks a Tesla driver Called The Cops On him For Using A Supercharger Station”

According to the Times story and the quote from it used in this article - Ms. Werlwas literally did not witness “the whole incident”. By the time she “noticed a commotion” there was already a sheet over the body. 

Ok, apparently some in the U.S. do allow it according to the Internets. I’ve never experienced that anywhere in the world (or in the U.S.)

For the reference of everyone who doesn’t recognize your claim as patently false - that is just false.

ffs...she’s a fight attendant and he’s a pilot and they requested and got a pass. This does not = “letting anyone into the airport”. Also — you can’t buy anything in the duty free without a ticket to a foreign country.

Modern tires absolutely do blow out. I just had it happen to one of my practically brand new tires, and a good brand too, not one made in China.

Not much of a car video - it’s all about you talking.  Bla bla bla.  

Totally with you on this.  I think the new flag sucks and idgaf who thinks what about me. I’m keeping my plain old rainbow flag.  You're absolutely right about the cheerlessness of the new ugly design.

Cool, another article about a youtube channel.  If I wanted to browse youtube, I would just do that.  In fact, that is what I do these days, far more often than I browse jalopnik’s shell of its former self. 

Why do I come to jalopnik still, albeit far less frequently than I used to?  I don’t need an article about a click-baity video on youtube that’s not about cars and does nothing but promote said video.  The video’s creator didn’t even reply to you, so there is literally no original content here.  

lHoHlHoarticllHolpersonarticllHovipersonarpersonarticllHonvipersonarpersonarticllHow is this site this bad? Since when does starring someone’s comment mean “article”? And don't even get me started on the intrusive autoplay videos. 

The RAV4 gets 42 miles of range? Exciting .

I don’t and won't shop at wal mart.  If that's so strange to you, maybe you're the one with the problem?

Mary Barra seems nice enough, and she’s an actual engineer. Not a secret Trump/Putin supporter, and not wildly intentionally offensive, and knows how to build electric cars without embarrassing panel gaps.  

I came here to read - not to watch videos.

It could be the best truck on the planet and I'd never buy one from fascist-adjacent Musk.  

This is a re-post from months ago - not “yesterday”.  

It’s nice to see her and I love her music - but let’s be honest; she sounds awful.

Commuting to Midtown Manhattan on the New York City Subway almost every weekday is” - nearly always fast, uneventful, and safe.  Stop with your bullshit.