It seems to be a response to the hoax video intending to ‘prove’ that planned parenthood was selling fetal tissue.
It seems to be a response to the hoax video intending to ‘prove’ that planned parenthood was selling fetal tissue.
The harsh, industrial, neon lighting.
Grade: B?
Good lord. I know opinions are subjective and all that, but how any one of the episodes this season rates less than excellent is beyond me -- especially this one. Are you made of STONE?
Just shoehorning into this to say that Jezebel seems to be ignoring Fosse/Verdon - and Michelle Williams should be scooping up EVERY gold-plated tchotchke Hollywood hands out this year for her performance.
Ah, that would explain the part of Silence of the Lambs where Hannibal says “I ate his liver with fava beans. You know, there’s an interesting fact about fava beans, they’re not really beans, at least in the traditional sense, well, let me back up for a moment here and say that beans as we know of them can really be…
Nadja continues to be my favorite. Natasia Demetriou is killing it. But my favorite line of the night was Nandor’s “ guys.”
Jenny Trout is hilarious and a gem.
Wasn’t the planning for the original Woodstock a total mess?
Laszo made a couple obscure Jack the Ripper references in earlier episodes. One about hanging around in Whitehall, and another where he mentioned one of his victims names. I picked up on those in each instance.
Oh shit, if James Marsters had shown up as Spike I would have lost my goddamned mind.
I had assumed that the theme was camp as in summer camp. And I am disappointed to learn that it’s not.
You can also dismiss all the assholes who reply to you too.
And after all that, he ends with the line, “Totally worth it!”
They are less than 4 years apart, both born in the 70's. Yes, they are very much middle-aged women. We are not all crones, you know.
“Middle-aged women” is weird headline choice. I get that it’s true, shit I’m middle aged in the sense that this is probably the middle point in my life expectancy. It just reads negatively (? maybe there’s a better word?) or something. Like describing Big Little Lies as Middle-Aged Ladies with Blonde Hair have issues…
Yes, the beauty of the projectile vomiting bit was that it had been established before. It would’ve been amusing on its own in this episode, but since we knew what was going to happen it made it even funnier that they dialed it up by a thousand. I was dying.
I wonder if they only had access to Doug Jones for a very limited time - that might explain the sudden exit.
This might have been the funniest episode of the season and that’s saying something. I kept having to rewind because of constant outbursts of laughter that had me missing the next minute of a scene.
I would watch a show that’s just her reaction shots to things. She’s so good.