
Joe is probably my favorite out of all the dems thus far. The main reason, the people in OH/MI/WI love him. I could never see myself voting for Sanders, not that I entirely disagree with his policies. But because of the way he portrays a lot of opinions as facts- the same way Trump does. Also how he acted in 2016. It

“It’s like a weak ejaculation. Ehh eh eh eh eh—Jeff.”

My stepson, after sampling three chapters of TWILIGHT: “I think it was a mistake to learn how to read.”

Jenny Trout has been reviewing each chapter, as she did with the 50 Shades series: http://jennytrout.com. She has found that the plot seems to be ripped from Poldark.

I don’t think he even has a law blog.

So, does that mean you are or aren't interested in a new vampire comedy?

I’m so glad I’m old and married, because these dating apps sound like a goddamn nightmare. 

What’s wrong with the Office?

So, basically, the Democratic primary is reduced to “how much free stuff will you give me if I vote for you?”

Such a good post.

I still laughed out loud at least 5 times, and I don’t usually outwardly laugh. Off the top of my head: the Chechen translator, Barry getting his gun and leaving his apartment not giving a fuck his roommates are there, Barry right outside the door with his gun, Gene billing Barry, the twist with Loach at the end.

The attack on Buttigieg tripped my BS alarm pretty hard. But if you actually do have something to back it up beyond an out of context three word snippet from 4 years ago that so distorts the meaning it flips the actual message of the speech 180 degrees, I’d be interested to hear it.

No, Joan was his second wife. He had a short marriage to another dancer first. 

Both Bernie and Cardi are terrible so if Jezebel is actually mad this is a step up for them.

Maybe I’ve spent too much time at local government meetings (I used to be a reporter for a small county newspaper) but I actually found this episode hilarious. It really captured the banality of being a fantastic monster in small town living.

I loved the sight of the vampires riding on top of the bus just to get away from Colin.

“God has called me to my peaceful place. Even with the loud music and lights and all, a strip club can be like a church. God makes it rain in all ways.”

Don’t they just kick you out of McDonald’s if you take that long? Or does he reserve a table next to the PlayPen?

“He likes a small table, a four-person table, so people can come over to say ‘hello’ but there’s not enough room to invite people to join.”

Katie Rife is reviewing WWDITS weekly, as stated above. There’s no link because it hasn’t aired yet.