
Always working toward something? Like getting a degree, helping her community? Bettering herself?

I think I learned that in 8th grade.

I pray Gregor/Jesh comes back in some other incarnation. I mean, he hasn’t let a few hundred decapitations stop him yet. 

Bingo. Which then does cause unnecessary burden on the woman, and should not have been allowed to stand.

I don’t think women were throwing themselves at him so much. He was chasing women, and they were charmed by him, and sometimes, probably thought it would help their careers. 

He still doesn’t realize his character on “The Grinder” was actually based on him. 

OMG I read that and thought you were talking about OJ Simpson.

Or Nadja and Lazslo get a new familiar and they get into some kind of one upping feud, like Nandor likes the new familiar and Guillermo gets pissed. 

This had me yelling WHAT THE HELL!!!


Agree, she knew about them she just didn’t like them so like any good lady wife (woman) who isn’t interested in some stupid shit a man is telling her, she acts like she doesn’t know what he’s talking about in hopes he’ll shut up. 

Amazon Prime. $20 for the season

Guess he’ll be waiting even longer now. 

I like the logic of: “but what if your mother had an abortion when she was pregnant with you”.

David Axelrod is worried that impeachment will be wrenching for the country.

I’ve only seen the movie, what was the context of this number? Where was it in the show? 

Please explain to me why a young man in his 20s doesn’t realize he should bathe and use deodorant/anti perspirant every day. 

Wasn’t the darker version of Chicago what made it a hit? Bob was right, it’s not a happy musical, those people were murderers.