
Not killing innocent children is not that tough a call. 

Ma’am this is an Arby’s. 

Aaron Paul, bitches! 

I used to watch but it just got so depressing seeing how awful her kids were, I really like Adlon and i don’t have to have silly Friends type sit coms but I also want to kind of like someone on a show I’m watching.

Now we know why Rob couldn’t appear at the Vampire Council. As if. 

They’re qualified for Emmys this season right? Just go ahead and start engraving Best Actress in a Limited Series with her name.

I’m glad to see Stephen Dorff getting higher profile work, he was SO fucking good in True Detective, and I think that one girl with the short hair was on the last season of The Killing. I might watch but it doesn’t look great.

It’s an election year and they’re stirring up the base. They’re too stupid to realize this is going to bring women out in droves to vote their dumbass hilljack asses out of office.

Who was George Washington?

According to an interview with the actor who plays Jesh, he will be back.

Beto really needs to go back to Texas and rethink this whole thing.  

he only jokes that didn’t really work for me this week were Nandor’s bits about government workers not having souls,

The ACLU will file to stop the law from going into effect, and a court will find it unconstitutional. These states want this to happen it’s part of the long game of one of them getting it to SCOTUS, so that with the help of Bret Beer is Great Kavanaugh, they’ll overturn Roe.

I hate to break it to you, but Woodstock 1 was a mess. A big fucking mess. All anyone remembers is the album and people dancing in the mud and Jimi Hendrix, but it was a mess.

I don’t know, Nadja shoving the carnival guys into the booth and telling Jesh, “they were doing it wrong” was pretty awesome.  And then Jesh shooting those little skateboard dicks with the arrows, and Nadja saving everyone at the shelter, because stupid humans use 12345 as their code. 

This week (5/16) is Nandor trying to become a US citizen, and the return of Jenna.

Me too!!! I kept hoping Spike or Angel would show up. That would have been the fucking end of me.   I know I would have fallen off the sofa dying. 

How do you bill your ad agency for clothing and travel? Ad agencies bill their clients, not the other way around. Did they tell him part of their marketing strategy was for him to appear more of a douchebag than he already is?

Because he’s the first openly gay man to run for President.

They never have up til now, so why should they start?