
This research is attempting to:

The songs in this mashup are spliced in where they have overlapping chord progressions. It is well known in copyright law that chord changes cannot be copyrighted. The melodies (and the arrangements) of these songs on their own are very different so there would be no case whatsoever for copyright infringement. The

Also real sugar will clump a bit as will sand and salt. The rendering above is spectacular but it might even be too perfect. I look forward to it refining (pun intended) even further.

I hadn’t read anything about the show online or discussed it with anyone in person either and I only figured it out with the “reveal.” Many of the clues mentioned in the article above and in the comments below indicate only that there were multiple timelines not that Ed Harris was William.

How on earth did you write out the Black Lodge sequence? What does it look like on paper and was the final result anywhere close to the original concept?

I think “____ was the first video game system I ever owned and I still think it has the best lineup of games ever” is a universal sentiment.

The Simpsons even used the same sound effect Star Trek did for the smart watch in this video.

Since he is a Baratheon by blood, does that entitle him technically to the throne—especially if Tommen’s lineage is ever proven? If someone were looking for ultimate power but needed a thread of legitimacy, he/she could use Gendry as a puppet.

Good point. I wonder if the force would be offset by the lower bat speed resulting from a heavier bat though. Either way it would affect the game appreciably.

1. Can be swung faster

Big difference though is that A-Rod is still good. The contract was barely even an overpay. Howard is a money fire.