An Incovenient Tooth

Had to have been an out of town Trump supporter. Everyone in Boston is a Democrat, and there’s no way a modern Democrat from a progressive stronghold such as Boston could ever be accused of being a racist. Just like in Chicago.

Going back to the well with this one, huh? The crowd comparison pic worked so well the first time, might as well try it again. “My President was better because he had more people show up! He was cooler because he was relatable and black. Oooh.” Why don’t you guys just get it over with already and have them compare

Can we please stop referring to competitive video gaming as a sport? Playing a sport entails participation in an athletic endeavor requiring at least a modicum of physical exertion. If you can do it stoned while eating a bag of cheetos and drinking a tall boy of Monster, it’s not a sport.

I Daobt anyone will even care about this story by next week.

Speaking as someone who owns a lot of books I’ve never opened, I’m sure Phil has every intention to eventually read those books. I imagine he just gets busy, and would rather watch tv in his downtime.

Is a hot dog, or any encased meat placed between a bun, a sandwich?

I beg to differ Mr. Huff. George Soros and his ilk are keeping a number of these protesters gainfully employed at the moment.

Is it too much to ask for one of these NBA tough guys to get lit up Rudy T style? Just once, I’d like to see a legit punch thrown and connect.

That was almost as gratifying as watching this...

The DNC will never let California secede, they’ve got too much to lose in the way of 7M plus popular votes and 55 electoral votes. Lose California, and a Democrat may never win the Presidency again.

Can people please stop referencing the popular vote like it somehow still matters? It hasn’t ever mattered before, and it didn’t matter this time. Oh, and here’s and inconvenient fact. If you remove that liberal utopia known as California from the equation, Hillary actually lost the popular vote by more than 1/2

Finally, a Chargers game with a fappy ending.

Chapman should know a thing or two about misuse of a fire arm.

If memory serves, starting pitching hasn’t been the issue for the Nats in the playoffs. It’s been a shitty bullpen, lack of offense and timely hitting, and oh yeah, Matt Williams and Dusty Baker. Not sure how this trade solves any of those issues. And if you are a Nats fan, you don’t want Dusty Baker anywhere near a

I guess Dan Gilbert doesn’t want to mortgage the future his team on a bad investment.

And just think, if those wacky Californians are actually serious in their ludicrous bid to leave the union, then they’d be taking 55 electoral and 7 million plus popular votes with them. It would then stand to reason that there’s a good chance the Democrats may never win another presidential election as a result. I’d

I bet all the suburban high school kids who work at the fast food joints near me can’t wait to start making $15/hr. That’s a lot of beer and weed money.

These self-righteous liberals are the worst. “Oh, I’m doing this for the veterans.” Fuck you, no you’re not. You’re doing it for yourself so you can feel better about your decision to leave a crappy system that’s been broken for a long time now. I’m sorry, but how does leaving the VA do anything but hurt those that

The Palace of Auburn Hills is perfectly good place to see Disney on Ice, not a professional sporting event. The area around it sucks and is a pain in the ass to get to from anywhere but Auburn Hills. I say let it die a slow, painful death like the Silverdome - cold, alone, and a footnote in Detroit sports history.

Not gonna lie. As cheesy as this looks, the scene with the little kid got me right in the feels.