An Incovenient Tooth

I’ll accept the abolishment of the Electoral College if you can guarantee me a greater than 75% voter turnout each election. Until that happens, then no way would I support a system that would allow the presidency to be determined by NYC, LA, and Chicago every 4 years.

Woke up, ate an everything bagel, and then signed a petition I saw on Facebook calling for the removal of Trump as President-Elect, because that will totally work, right? I mean, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but now the more I think about it, it was probably a horrible idea. That wouldn’t end well for

I love how salty you liberals get when things don’t turn out the way you wanted. Fuck everything and burn it to the ground! Argh, I’m so angry. Half the country has suddenly turned into a petulant 3 year old throwing a tantrum because mommy turned off Bubble Guppies.

Maybe this will help explain it.

I’m familiar with the Swedish Tug and a Finnish Palming, but I have to admit that this is the first I’m hearing of the Dutch Reach. I’ll have to give it a try. Thanks Adequate Man!

It makes me sad to think that the Cubs once traded away LeMahieu for a broken down Ian Stewart. It’s hard to find fault with the way Theo has done things in Chicago, but that was definitely not one of his better moves.

I’m not sayin’, I’m just sayin’ what if?

So if a tree falls in a forest, and no one is there to witness it...

In other news, 2 more people were killed and 15 more injured in Wednesday shootings across Chicago. Ho hum, just another day in Rahm’s shining city upon a hill.

There’s always one.

I hear this guy might be interested.

Love this video, but I find myself having to mute it so I don’t have to listen to Thom Brennaman. He makes me want to punch my computer screen.

I’m an irritable dad without a law degree. Can I still hang out with you guys, or am I destined to dwell amongst the grays for all time?

I know somebody who’s sad today.

Cleavon from Festus does not approve.

No way GarPax would’ve ever fired that mullet. That’s Cardinals fan-esque in it’s beauty.

As disappointing and inconsistent as the Bulls were this season, they always seemed to bring their A game vs. the Cavs and Raptors, which makes it all the more frustrating watching this crap fest unfold in the East. The Bulls wouldn’t have beaten the Cavs, but I’d like to think that it would’ve made for a hell of a

I’m actually disappointed that he only slept with one of them. If I had been the 25 year old coach of a women’s college basketball team, I would have made it my mission to shag every girl on the team, especially the scissor sisters. We wouldn’t have won many games, but the road trips would have been a hedonistic