But, as another commenter stated “No harm, no foul.”
But, as another commenter stated “No harm, no foul.”
Unless Nintendo/Sega/Sony/Microsoft are willing to find and/or gather the original dev teams so they can pound out quick contracts that say “you will get paid xxx moneys when a copy of your 1992 game “robot man fighter dude” sells on the digital market,” then the current system is the best we have.
Then you go without. Simple. These things are luxury items, not essential life commodities.
While I agree with you when there is an alternative to legitimately purchase the pirated data, what about in the case of an Actraiser, where there’s no possible way to commercially obtain it?
Because Nike owns enough of both to dictate the colors, and Nike, among others, go with those colors that best reflect what unpaid fashion-consultant street gangs favor.
With 1,500 monkeys, I don’t think the workers are really in danger of going hungry.
It’s not the funding, it’s the loss of support from their constituents if they don’t fall in line with the NRA’s agenda.
Apparently, Adriana is a regular contributor to Fox News.
I remember that one. I think I was in high school at the time, and my mom came and told me about this weirdo that was working at Black Mesa, and how he was being stalked by a guy in a suit.
You should’ve seen the rejected avatar pictures...
My toddlers are really into dinosaurs, so they watch a lot of the Land Before Time movies.
starrred because your username made me lol, then gag, then lol more.
My favorite Coast to Coast AM call will always be the person who called in and basically recounted the plot and background of “Half-Life,” as if it was actually occurring.
To beautiful mythological creatures stand before us, but we only have one photo in our hands. And this photo represents who will be Jezebel’s Next Top Creature.
It’s called “protecting your IP.” If they don’t vigorously defend their IP against most (if not all) infringements, they risk losing any protection whatsoever.
As long as the Grindr development team is on the ball...
I swear can we just have the Clintons locked in a pyramid forever? It wasn’t James Comey and the Russians that made you spend most of the campaign selling access in the Hamptons to Jimmy Buffet while the tangerine terror was barnstorming the midwest. Your legacy is losing what should have been an electoral slam dunk…
Yeah. It’s like people who get upset when an attorney does everything they can to represent their client, regardless of how guilty or vile the person may be.
okay obviously subway is evil blah blah, but this article annoys me. of course they’re trying to throw it out “on a technicality”. that’s how the law works. you don’t just let a suit against you proceed when there’s a procedural issue because you’re like “oh yea we really fucked up, let’s go ahead and lose this one.…
Have wolves figured out how to get a supposedly more advanced species to not only take care of their every need but also at the same time becoming adulated by doing so?