Ted Cruz's Mouth

This just absolutely has my blood boiling. We’re shitting on Kaine because he spoke the truth too aggressively and praising Pence for confidently, sociopathically lying his ass off. All I’ve gotten from the reaction to this debate is “Truth and fact don’t matter. Lie like your life depends on it. As long as you say it

Say what you will about her, if there even is anything to say, but she’s always been a good mom.

Let’s not go krazy here. I’m sure she’s just kancelling some appearances and skaling bakk a bit.

A French thief’s new house.

Anyone else think this debate feels like Lucius Malfoy VS Arthur Weasley?

Well, you see, a black man became president and it reminded a bunch of white people how their grasp on everything was diminished to 99%.

Honestly the timing of this isn’t just spooky.

it’s about par for the course for Kim K. I’ve, for some unknown reason, read a few of her interviews. Her and Kanye are like aliens from space.

How DARE you?! According to many commenters on this very site, she’s very smart because she’s a good “businesswoman” and has a lot of money! Surely, intelligence and money go hand-in-hand?

Thank you, Ted Cruz. We couldn’t have handled holding even a modicum of respect for you for much longer. *exhales*

“Would you like a cup of water or of arsenic?” “I don’t know, I’m on the fence.’

please kim please please please we’ve been on your side for over a decade and we’ve explained to everyone who would listen and plenty of people who wouldn’t how smart you are and how in control of the game you are, and we excused you for saying you weren’t a feminist because yes your actions speak volumes and COME ON

I’m going to have to get up on my doctor soapbox right now....you should NEVER have left over antibiotics to take ‘next time’. Please please please finish your antibiotics. Your infection won’t clear if it’s not completely resolved by the full course of medication and taking incomplete courses of antibiotics as well

I hear you, this is the bible belt. Back in the 90s, when I was in my teens and had a shit car and didn’t care, I had a bumper sticker with a Darwin fish on it that said, “you keep believing, we’ll keep evolving.” Some genius tried to tear it off, but only got the white space. I felt it proved my point adequately.

Obsesity is not getting the attention it deserves, in this comment section or in America. 25% of these deaths were from obsesity related issues: that basically is the gain and then some. Without those we would have declined (although still maybe not as dramatically as elsewhere).

I think that some decisions are going to ultimately be made by the person who feels most strongly about it. They had already discussed starting a family together, so I get the impression that the issue here wasn’t that he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life with her, just that he was not into the institution of

My main beef with Stein is that she is not intellectually or morally honest.

If you’re a traditional Democratic voter and you decided to vote for Hillary in the primary KNOWING that the polls were this close then you can consider yourself my mortal enemy for putting the entire world at stake for your “she’s next” candidate.

How did they ‘allow’ him to be elected? Are you under the impression that certain people shouldn’t be allowed to vote?

Ebola? Your friends are 2015. 2016 is all about Zika.