
Omg, that’s the first thing that’s made me smile all day.

nO WAY. No way.

Agreed. It’s so very abstract. And this is the most tangible of the 4, other than perhaps Many Waters (which is way too religious for a movie, imho). Could you imagine trying to make a movie version of A Wind in the Door?!

I’ve been giggling at this for 5 minutes now

Oh shit i love this gif


Omg I want this to be true

I’ve been rewatching the earlier seasons over the last month or so (totally one of my go-to comfort shows) and I can’t emphasize how much this relationship has ruined/impacted me. I guess it also doesn’t help that I’m currently in love with someone from work. It’s the absolute best depiction of that real life build

Holy shit, this description has uncovered a memory that I have of playing (aka watching someone else play) this game when I was little and being so, so scared by it.

Needs more stars.

My grandma broke her hip twice. The second time, she didn’t really get moving again afterwards. She died within the next few years.

Bravo for responding rationally to this idiot and exposing them for what they are

Absolutely true. The key is to keep moving, and unfortunately for a lot of older people, a broken hip (or something similar) is what stops them.

He’s NEVER looked like that

Blegh. No one’s fucking him anymore.

This scene makes me cry every single time.

I am so, so often Person A in my life and it is the fucking worst.

I think everyone is focusing on modern Catholicism and forgetting about how much gorgeous Renaissance Catholic art inspo there is! 

*(why not both gif)*