I’ll raise you one better:
I actually have a large ass (which I have yet to accept and am always trying to hide). I wonder how many rows of people I would mow down if I put this dress on.
Saw it while drinking in the theater (highly recommend). It was cute but lacking some of the plot depth of Finding Nemo, as expected. I did shed some tears but I just don’t think it was as cohesive as other Pixar movies. A lot of cuteness for cuteness’s sake.
Yeah, pretty sure my neighbors think I was having a vicious fight with my boyfriend named Tormund or something. I was verbatim shreiking “NO TORMUND. NO. TORMUND! TORMUNDDDD!!!”
Yesss I was getting a LOT of Helms Deep feels from this episode too.
Right, sure. Just because I said that mean girls are often self-critical doesn’t mean that I said self-critical people are often mean.
Mean girls are often self-critical
God I love this scene so much that just the gif made me giggle at my desk
Wait WHAT?? How is he involved in this? Suddenly so excited.
Ok fine maybe I do want a child.
thisthisthisthis. It exhausts me every Sunday night.
So does my ex boyfriend. Ex.
Oh man, that “/s” is totally necessary. I was about to respond with a big “fuck you,” cause the sad thing is that I’ve seen identical yet genuine comments
THANK YOU. I flew into a rage at the end of the movie after seeing that scene. It was disgusting.
This is code for “I usually date sluts so you should feel sooOOooo lucky that I’m stooping to date someone like you!”