
Did they also sing about how all these cancelled shows were shit?

You know who would be great as Belushi? A zit!! Get it…a zit!!!

Look Pepi- I'm a potato.

Penises- what a great word.

I remember that show. He was kind of the Ralph Nader of Los Angeles local television in the 70's and 80's. He was a pretty good consumer advocate.

It is.

The guy looks like Rod Steiger with a good toupee…and alive of course.

It seriously distracted me from her character. Every scene she's got the big mommas hanging out and enjoying the scenery.

Great episode, but Patricia Arquette's boobs deserve their own screen credit. They're like another character.

Therein lies one of many huge differences between the genders. We just love looking at nudity, and if it's celebrity nudity, so much the better. I think Mr. Skin is the biggest porn website out there so there you go. It ain't pretty, but it's the truth.

I know- I was just messing with the typo.

I think they were married for quite a few years. So yeah, maybe became terrible, but probably not always.

The family ditched her. She has no value to them if she isn't also famous.

It's just the thrill of seeing nudity attached to a so called "celebrity." Nothing new. Playboy used to make a killing featuring C list celebrities in the buff trying to hit the big time.

Tom Brady's brother. Wow- that's kind of offbeat.

I like McKinnon a lot, but she really needs to dial down the bugged out crazy eyes she seems to employ in a lot of sketches.

Yeah, the Wes Anderson bit wasn't very funny, but you have to give it up for the care they took nailing Anderson's style.

I laughed hardest at Kate McKinnon's Tilda Swinton. They really captured every detail of his style.

I agree. I cringed when she was brought out.

Try to guess which Simpsons character is killed off this season. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.