
Weirdly, I have no opinion on her at all, which would probably upset her publicist the most.

More likely that in the future, Fox & Friends will have a side scroll immediately correcting the stream of idiocy that flow from their mouths.

To be fair, Silicon Valley and San Francisco are very different even if they aren't geographically far apart.

Must be a repeat if they're all on..

She has nice what now?

As usual Stephen Colbert leads the way. His take down of Logan and the contrived apology was funny and pulled no punches.

And yes, I was in the audience for one of the 2013 Monkees concerts, and it was simply awesome.

There's a pretty good reason for it. Ricky Nelson played and wrote, and surrounded himself with good musicians. The Monkees were gifted with the best pop song writers ever assembled. Plus, they were also genuinely talented singers and in some cases songwriters. The Monkees catalog have many songs that have withstood

Actually she isn't flipping the bird. Look closer and it's obvious she got the flag glued stuck on her middle finger. Poor girl. Someone get some dissolvant.

Does she realize she's comparing herself favorably to a character who is an awful and terrible person?

I knew I'd be late on this one- good job Boner.


She does not play her own instruments. In a bit of irony she hired The Monkees to play every instrument on her album.

Ummm- Richard Jeni, the star of Platypus Man committed suicide so you'll definitely need to recast.

Pudding pops were awesome.

What a stupid thing to say you drunk ass skeleton lover.

I think there are several reasons for that. Cosby is one of the few comedians who doesn't sweat "love me" desperation in his act. He has been unafraid to offer unpopular opinions on the state of our culture that can be read as "square" to a younger generation. Because of that, he can be a bit of a divisive figure.

A modern take: Fat Albert and the Cosplay Kids.

You're thinking of Lady Godiva.

I give this man a Laurel and Hardy handshake.