
Very sad. Great comedic actress. Such timing. One of her best post Newhart performances was when she played herself in an episode from Taxi's last season that was easily one of that misbegotten season's best. She was a blind date for Jim, who couldn't get over his great luck at having the Carol Kester from The Bob

They can just rastify her by 10% and say she died on the way back to her home planet.

I know it sounds silly, but Charmed was a pretty subversive show in that it really worked as a postmodern take down of gender stereotypes, and subverted the male/female protagonist/caretaker dynamic that had long been the norm, predicting the rise of female empowerment films like……..ha ha…I'm kidding of course….Boobs.

Yeah, I saw that. No way was that for real. No way.

Yeah, there's no doubt my reaction was knee jerk, but then again, if you see the ads for it, you can kind of see how it doesn't seem like the type of show that would showcase Allison Janney's comedic chops, but ces't la vie.

No!!!! Dear God No!!!!!!!!!! It just looks….so wrong. Fuck this pisses me off. Look, I grew up decades later after these originally ran, and I had no problem loving them. Why does the entire look have to be updated so they look like Toy Story junior rejects.. Fuck, I'm unreasonably pissed about this.

The ads mostly, and the few minutes of the pilot I caught. I really hate the traditional three camera sitcom now, and this looks like it's unremarkable. I could be wrong, but like I said, I'm not a fan of the format so the material has to be excellent to keep my interest.

Yes. Yes you are.

I don't know Babs, but I do know this.

Now that Piven is getting that sweet PBS money, how can they possibly afford him?

Leave E alone- Say what you want about Kevin Connolly, but he got to make sweet sweet love to Nikki Cox when she was at her peak, and well before she transmogrified her face.

That guy in the picture could almost pass for 1980's era Joe Jackson.

I knew him a year or so before that, but he was walking around campus like a big deal. He was roided up and ugly as shit bragging about how much money he was making with whatever bullshit venture he had going. Had a good laugh later when I heard he was going to prison.

Long York Islanders is spectacularly stupid, and goes way beyond a simple mistake.

As a life long Kings fan I can tell you he still gets love in Los Angeles for bringing star power to the team through Gretzky, even though he basically ruined the team for countless years with his financial malfeasance.

It was all the Pressure.

I was just going to say like Minkow, I knew and went to high school with him. He was a year ahead of me, but in a class with me so I got to know him a bit. It was only a few short years later he was in jail. Total dickhead.

Their 82 series against the Vancouver Canned Nicks was an all timer.

My Long York Island is ….ummm forget it. I got nothing.

But is Vince going to do the movie or not? Come on…. we're waiting.