
My God, does this look like an utter piece of shit. Poor Allison Janney.

They could have Bob and David come by and show her how to save time on that.

Keep my dad out of this.

Wasn't that a Chris Farley routine?

That scene with the kids got me wondering if they film McBride separately delivering the dialogue to nobody but the crew. I mean the dialogue is so horribly racist, but funny, that I could see where he would find it hard to do it in front of a bunch of young kids. It seemed from the editing that that might be the

Wow- Geena Davis has expressed some interest. Man, that must a be a great script they've got for this to get her interest. How could they possible afford her at this stage in her career.

This movie should star Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr hawking a new product.

Also, I posted years ago under various names, until they made us register a few years ago.

Not my first post since registering. Just my first of probably many O' Neal is God posts.

Now that I'm registered after years of reading, I can finally tell Sean O' Neal how in awe I am at his ability to spin gold from the straw of terrible demoralizing stories like this. In fact, I'm glad this story is real just so I can read this newswire that has supplied me with the best laugh I've had in weeks.

I played a fun game of Beatles trivia- I never knew that George coined the term "Kill them all and let God sort them out."

I loved Willy in That Thing You Do. Here, not so much.

I teach third grade and show that clip to the kids to teach them good hygiene. Ha- I'm kidding of course. I'm not a teacher, but the rest of my story is true.

I think indulging nostalgia would be showing a clip of one of the sketches, not trying to recreate what was once great. I remember being somewhat embarrassed for both Martin and Aykroyd.

And yet you took that $1 dollar bill and spent it. Have you no shame sir? Probably got all hopped up on goofballs ya did.

I may be in the minority, but I enjoy The Groove Tube far more than Kentucky Fried Movie or Tunnelvision as far as spoofs of television go. The Groove Tube has that great opening with the Curtis Mayfield song. The news Segment. The penis ad that you can't tell is a penis til the end. The Just You Just Me Dance at the

I agree, and I would even call out his assertion or at least say it's oddly put that the bit is about the newsman being on camera after he has no more news to report. What's funny about the bit is that the anchor has signed off for the night, and the camera just lingers. It's a spoof on how news shows would end and

Look at that little monkey Cosell go, with his own variety show.

It's amazing to think that in this era, a guy like Howard Cosell would be so popular he would get his own variety show. Did that really happen? God, I love the 70's.

Sounds like an SCTV sketch reminiscent of Battle of the PBS Stars.