
Gotta disagree, being an adult is better than being a teenager. I’ll let the Oatmeal explain.

To be fair, GTA V just came out for PC so we’re going to get a LOT of these. That said, this is a part of the show I take very seriously. I really want to both reflect a wide variety of games, create an entertaining show and at the same time accurately depict what people are playing. That’s part of the reason I put

Hi There,

Hi Kilroy,

Hi There!

Hi Brad,

Hi Mr. RMJ=H via Frank,

Hi Andy! Typically our clients use Fancy Hands for making phone calls, research, making purchases and calendar management. People use us for everything from sitting on the phone with Time Warner to making dinner reservations to buying flowers for Mother’s Day.

Now there are two 200-Million-Year-Old Rock Formations known as the Rolling Stones.

This is very surprising. If there's one guy who always seemed to take the best care of his body, it was John Kruk.