This is an ironic article being that Uber wouldn’t even exist today in most cities if it wasn’t for the greedy and controlling cab unions.
This is an ironic article being that Uber wouldn’t even exist today in most cities if it wasn’t for the greedy and controlling cab unions.
At the Warriors’ Halloween party, Steph Curry simply ate 73 cookies and wept.
As an Eagles fan, a football fan, and a black man, I was with you all the way until the last sentence.
Is there any way to submit this comment to COMPRESSION because my eyes might FRACTURE trying to read it
Exactly. I have used cocaine three to four times a day every single day for the last 5 years or so and I can stop whenever I want. In fact, every now and then I’ll get bad nosebleeds and I’ll just straight cut down to just a couple of grams or only do freebase for a day or two until until the nosebleeds go away.
And he had it on the rocks.
that’s an awfully high horse you have there, mate.
I did not see the video, but if the people were not capable of moving faster, she should have been more polite, and might have tried to find a way to help those people get off the plane faster. If they were people just taking their time on the way out while they blocked her progress, I can imagine that it’s hard to be…
The guy has the wherewithal to film in landscape, in a life threatening situation, and it gets posted in vertical.
What, wait, did they outlaw cocaine in Chicago or something?
This is an incorrect take.
Cristiano that you?
You’re doing it wrong. It’s more like this:
I know you’re trying to be discreet and everything but you could have just left the “o” on your name.
This comment is Sublime.
I liked that song about his mom smoking pot, hitting the bottle and the crack rock. “All Star,” I think it’s called.
Pretty sure Ross Perot was during his lifetime, and at one point was polling higher than 13%.
My dad always said it’s not really Gatorade in there, but I had no idea.