
I didn't know that they made Packer jerseys smaller than XXXL.

In their defense, the state never thought their offer of a dollar per shitty catchphrase would add up like this.

"$260 million in tax? How much stuff are they pinning on bulletin boards anyway?"

After the Jameis Winston thing, I thought we weren't allowed to make rap jokes anymore.

I wouldn't have cared if the whole team was gay if they could have just beaten the Bills.

The Oilers play in Edmonton, stupid.

Coach Woodson: I know you're hurt and we suck, Melo, but you should probably try to watch us play.

> Tony Romo throws out back

And whose record did Brady break?

someones a bit butthurt

Albert, I have jars. My great shame is that I'm a jar hoarder.

Congrats on winning your lame 8-team league.

*Pylon in ass gay joke*

James Dolan: [reads story]

His estimation was about 40 miles off

All he has to look forward now is a sub-par bowel game.

I can't even joke about this. That's someone's daughter up there. I think.

Seeing a Copeland putting his foot down just pissed off Gordon Sumner.

Confusing 5'11" and 6'4" football players seems to be a trend this year.

Well fuck, he deserved to die then, didn't he? I mean, fuck that guy for walking around with headphones and a rap sheet, amirite?