If I mentally fast forward it seems like any child raised unable to assess and communicate their emotional states will develop into a proverbial snowflake suffering from emotional mood swings with no idea why.
If I mentally fast forward it seems like any child raised unable to assess and communicate their emotional states will develop into a proverbial snowflake suffering from emotional mood swings with no idea why.
I took issue with gatekeeping twats bitching about time constrained dads playing a game.
Who is right? Who gives a shit? If you play an online shooter, you accept that there will be lower skilled players, griefers and people who play the flavor of the month to faceroll as far as the eye can see. If you don’t accept one of those things, then you are in at least one of those groups of people.
Holy shit dude, take a breath.
“Yes, we know developers get a better cut; what about end-users?”
It’s my understanding that the guaranteed money in a contract goes into escrow and paid out as stipulated. Why not add another stipulation that gives any remaining balance to the abuser’s family and allows the team to cut the player without negatively affecting the salary cap in the event the player is found guilty?
I was diagnosed 5 or 6 years ago and take 50 mg of Adderall basically every day. I am 36 now.
And then there are dudes like me who hate having their ball sacks being touched at all. I don’t even like doing it myself. I have a completely irrational fear of my nads getting crushed.
But wasn’t that basically Minecraft?
Are we sure we aren’t looking at a high res scan of Brock Lesnar’s testicles?
I don’t know if anybody’s noticed, but Graham is basically double covered every play. One the rare plays that he isn’t, Wilson is running for his life. Despite that, Jimmy Graham is on pace for 72 catches, 696 yards, 8 TD. (h/t Field Gulls).
Introducing a mod pay system isn’t going to prevent free mods from coming out. If people want to charge a dollar or two because they think the time they’ve put in is worth that, then more power to them.
Cabbage could be served to me with a winning lottery ticket, sexual favors from Kate Upton and a ride to the moon and I'd still set it on fire. Fuck cabbage. If I wanted to eat something that could be described as a waxy vagina, I'd hit on Martha Stewart.
There needs to be a moratorium on "exotic" when it comes to adjectives used on people. Having basically no racial identity of my own is hard enough without strangers saying how weird it is.
I don't speak pidgin. Nothing outs you quicker as a mainlander than not knowing what "ono" and "pau" means.
You're calling me a douche and a half for identifying as Caucasian instead of white? Would it be easier for you if I also identified as Asian instead of Korean?
I'm half Korean half Caucasian. I dealt with people like this growing up. My parents divorced so I moved a lot. When I was living mainland U.S. (Washington state), I was called a "gook" and a "chink". When I moved to Hawaii to live with my mom, I was called "haole (white) shit" by ironically enough, Koreans. …
I think the most important part of the update is DLNA support. It was kinda nice to be able to do that, finally.
I recall vividly Crash Bandicoot standing outside of Nintendo headquarters talking shit.