
I'm not a fan of gamers. I refuse to participate in voice chat on XBox Live because, by and large, most people are prime examples of the Greater Internet Fuckwad theory. I read stories of people getting SWATed because they lost at a game. I see tweets from people calling for the rape and murder of game developers.

I remember when exclusives were used to entice people to buy the console. They try it now and there are tears. Wow.

I fail to see the problem here. There's clearly an audience for Netflix. Why shouldn't EA or any other publisher for that matter, use that same distribution channel? No customer ever complains about Netflix eating into DVD/Blu-Ray sales. Meanwhile, prices continue to drop for said discs all the time. Customers

I fail to see the problem here. There's clearly an audience for Netflix. Why shouldn't EA or any other publisher for that matter, use that same distribution channel? No customer ever complains about Netflix eating into DVD/Blu-Ray sales. Meanwhile, prices continue to drop for said discs all the time. Customers

I, for one, am glad Velius had to wait a couple of turns to cast Cyclops and Titan in a row. That stupid battle tops the list of "Final Boss Battles That Occurred in the Middle of the Game".

I find it interesting that people that use Steam or Origin and have no problem with the fact that you require an internet connection to use those services have all the problems ever with a console that may do the same.