
Did you ever read his old stuff? Long Halloween? Superman For All Seasons? Some of his older stuff was amazing. As I said in another comment, I really think the death of his son broke him creatively. He's not been great since then.

You're not wrong that he's been terrible in the past 10 years, but I still remember Jeph Loeb from his collaborations with Tim Sale. The Long Halloween and Superman For All Seasons are two of my favorite comic books. I hate to say it, and I know it sounds callous, but I think the death of his son really broke him,

Now we just need Nana Visitor and Andrew Robinson to show up. I'll take any form of Garak I can get.

Next on Fox News, Shia LaBeouf.

Even Hostepping?

You're right, of course. But that's why I prefaced everything by saying that I didn't pay attention to CBS' lineup because it didn't interest me at all. I'm not saying that they're not smart or successful, just that I'm outside of who they are targeting.

No, I actually did look (left a comment for Todd to do a post mortem, of sorts, actually), but compared to what ABC is trying to do with their schedule, CBS is just so aggressively and purposefully boring. I may not like or end up watching most of the new shows on ABC's lineup, but the are undoubtedly making more

I've not had the chance to give it a watch. Hopefully, I'll have the time to give it a shot someday.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was reading these articles for the strategy and placement of new shows, and, of those new ones, none interest me. PoI has been on my to watch list for a few years now.

I'm not going to lie, I didn't read this analysis as thoroughly as I did the others because, looking through the list of shows in the schedule, I couldn't find a single one I had even a spark of motivation to give a chance.

Man, you and Battlestar Compactica both…

Depends on whether he's wearing his golden running shoes or not.

No, you run against traffic, you ride with it.

Crazy, yet another show I was certain people had forgotten. I was pretty excited to get a new sci-fi series from Ron Moore at that point and actually enjoyed the two-hour pilot/movie. Shame it wasn't picked up.

Phew, I thought I was the only one that remembered Nikolaj Coster-Waldau getting a break into mainstream American TV with that show. I thought it was a kind of uneven show, but it had it's own charms. As SP says, it's probably not worth watching now.

I'll trade you the lawnmower for your next installment of Dan in Real Life. I'll even throw in a fifth of whiskey.

That's no way to talk about Sean! He's a saint! A drunken saint!

Look, I didn't read the article. All I want to know is, do I still get ESPN The Ocho or not?
