
I have not. Thanks for sending it my way; I'll have to save it for after work.

I think it had a lot to do with how tangible it was. A lot of people lost their jobs. A lot of people lost their savings. A lot of people lost their homes. I'd wager (I haven't researched it) that it hit poor and rural people harder than most (not saying that African-Americans, Latinos, and others weren't hit

Thanks! If you have a chance, also read that article I linked to in another reply to the parent comment here. It's pretty funny!

Oh, shoot, I missed it. Which is it?

It's actually the 10th anniversary of the original version of that quote ("Here comes the pizza"):

Ars Technica did a pre-review and they found there was some problems with using a power bank, likely to do with USB-C fuckery (not all the ports are created equal).

Yeah, tampons are actually useful and serve a purpose.

The second book is a mess. And this is coming from someone who loved the first book (it has it's problems, and Rothfuss's deteriorating reputation notwithstanding, it still is a good book).

I'm famous!

Panera would make that man very rich.

I mentioned it in another post, but I agree with you about the pillows. I have physical copies of about 7 of their albums/compilations, and I even got to see them in concert when they played up in Chicago years ago. But man…their output has been really bad for the last 10 years or so; the last good album they put

Yeah, the pillows' last great album, to me, was My Foot, and that was in 2006. I just don't think they have it in them anymore.

No problem. The first episode I ever listened to was #251. I was very much laughing out loud while listening to it. I worked my way backwards and forwards. If you want the current episodes:

This is too late and you probably already know about it, but I feel like Oliver's show is a fairly natural evolution of the podcast he did (does?) with Andy Zaltzmann, The Bugle. They'd have a number of small stories they'd skate through and eviscerate before getting to one big main story; that said, those stories


Ublock Origin is the hot, new thing, if you're interested.

Or more like Romancing the Stone?

It was actually his interview on Aisha Tyler's podcast (Girl On Guy) that made me go watch Arrow. He's very thoughtful about his choices; made me like the cut of his jib, too.

And her posts are…Rife…with snark…