
You missed a real opportunity not naming your show "That was Thenn"!

Maybe it's just transferred aggression? It could be entirely possible that you just hate your wife and aren't ready to face it.

You know, I really preferred Kristin Welchez's last band, Grand Ole Party. They only released one album (Humanimals) while they were together (and another, posthumously, but that one isn't worth it, in my opinion), but man did that album kick ass. Seriously, go give it a listen…I like it so much better than Dum Dum

Or the one where if you entered a code while fighting King Hippo in Punch Out (Mike Tyson's, natch), you were transported to another world where you can also fight Eggplant Wizard.

I feel slightly uncomfortable being in the same comment thread as you. *loosens collar*

But the sequence where he essentially swapped out every part of himself to essentially become a new person and get into office a third time was brilliant. The philosophical musings that pushed him into a depression as a result of that was heart wrenching.

*pats head, smiles indulgently*

What, what? *pops monocle*

It was pretty good, but I didn't get how she could be alive for 350+ years and still say she's a virgin. I mean, you gotta get a hankering in that time.

It says Last Man on Earth. Doesn't mean they can't add in a humanoid cat, an android, and a hologram to keep him company, right?

I know I'm days late to the discussion, but my radio show (for some reason; we were more of a punk/ska show) in college received an early demo for Bleed American, before they had done all the work in the studio to produce and mix the tracks. I remember listening to the album and being swept up in Sweetness, Hear You

Have you seen any of the "rebuilds" they're doing if NGE?

You can't touch this.

It's okay, neither does anyone else involved with the project.

This entire season has just seemed so slapdash and nonsensical; moreso than usual, I mean, and not in a good way.

::grabs crotch with great vigor::

Heh, it reminds me of a time a little while back where I began a short comment on how I didn't like the way Pa Kent was done in MoS, and it morphed into a diatribe on how they could have "fixed" MoS without changing too much of their "plot."

Feel free to get ranty. I loved reading that.

Or Jaime Alexander.

Honestly, Gina Carano or Jamie Alexander were my two top pics for the role.