
Always let the car warm up before setting off even if it’s -40 or +40!

My new years resolution is either 25 megapixels or 4K, not 100% sure yet...

Manuscripts never written:

How to write a bestselling book
-By Paige Turner

The Future of Robotics
-By Cy Borg and Anne Droid

Paris Monuments
-By I. Phil Taurer

I.Q. Competitions
-By Samar T. Pants

Manuscripts never written:

How to write a bestselling book
-By Paige Turner

The Future of Robotics
-By Cy Borg and Anne

Apple did not announce or give anyone a heads up and some geeks noticed a stark change in the benchmarks.

If you want to pay me to do a side-hustle, great!
Otherwise, I’ll do my own things vocationally until then.

Only in America on Gigabit LTE, where a single speed test will murder your data plan and kick you over your puny data cap.

Everyone has a right to their own opinion no matter how wrong it may be.

Take it one step further, convince people not to buy a petrol-powered car. ;)

That answers that, thank you!

From what I see from overhead shot, if there wasn’t an engine in the front to hold the train down in the curve, it just flew off the tracks because it wasn’t heavy enough.

Wow, I drive with plenty of buffer room to handle changes in traffic speeds.

Emily/Lifehacker can you take a page from your own book and extend a courtesy to faithful readers?
We will be leveraging in that Chrome function as well as disabling auto play and blocking the obnoxious videos that play in every article on Gawker’s network?

In a nutshell:
No one wants the videos
No one asked for the

Fun fact, ublock origin with these specific strings will nuke the recent unrelated videos from existence. Which btw, their support team has not responded to my multiple emails about how terrible that decision was.

I used this once - Empty minds shout the loudest.

Wow! What a neat job!

#1 way to scare other drivers, do incredibly stupid things which could cause wrecks and other mayhem.

I am looking to tour Toronto soon, great timing on the article!
Also, feel free to load me up with tips!

You don’t need winrar to unzip a file, windows natively supports it.

Got a reference?

James May got a land rover that has some very special functions with it’s new off road option. [Can’t find the video right now]