
Thanks! I like being bold!

Then prove it! You should know this by now, any claim must be backed by evidence!

Then prove the Bible wrong, show me with examples where the Bible is wrong. If you’re not going to take up the gauntlet of proving it wrong, then you have no room to bash Christianity without first proving your claims.

You said:

If you’re going to make a claim about anything (imperfect, contradictions, cult, fantasy, etc.), back it up with proof!
I know that people aren’t perfect, but the Bible is a perfect account of sinful people and what it is like to live for the ultimate awesome and perfect God. What research have you done to validate the

Which others are wrong, about what? Please describe...

Thank you for your honesty, I appreciate it.

My observation about insulting the family probably wasn’t the best choice of words, some authors see it as a kind of disrespect to the family name... but it’s a tangled world of words. If you can forgive my screw up of words, let’s get to the heart of the matter.

All sins can be forgiven by God and everyone must take that up with Him (daily, hour by hour, and every minute)

It’s based on a true story, and there’s nothing wrong with sharing it as an example. I shared it because I hoped it would help provide some perspective.

Oh? Are we doing clever epitaphs?
I have some!
A great photographer is buried here, he died from overexposure.
I thought I’d never live to see this day come!

So, what is your discussion or comments you’d like to share?

If you make any claim, you must back it up with proof!

So, name calling means I’m in the right ballpark eh? ;)
I’m here to help, not condemn, only God can judge...

Show love and mercy to everyone no matter what, even if they do not deserve it.

Make a claim, back it up with proof! This is what I’m trying to do...

Your username is a contradiction, how dare you! ;)
Goes both ways impostor!

Hey Gia,

It’s the legacy spectrum being refarmed to LTE.

There’s a wee bit of a flaw in that logic and it’s so glaringly obvious that it hurts. Have you done any research on this because one Bible verse out of context is just a lame way to mis-direct the truth on the matter.

Everything referenced and said can be fact-checked and found in the Bible which is why I shared it here.

Whatever God says, we Christians do...