Nice! Either way, its a great card on C1, definitely worth the perks.
If I could pay my mortgage with my card, I would be racking up those points quick! Maybe one day...
Nice! Either way, its a great card on C1, definitely worth the perks.
If I could pay my mortgage with my card, I would be racking up those points quick! Maybe one day...
CapitalOne Venture (One) Card
I made a gluten and dairy free pumpkin pie and it was a bit light and fluffy.
Tasted good, but I think I added too much coconut milk and not enough spices.
Are you trying to correct me or affirm how much ISP’s suck?
I am so sorry for everyone affected by this, we should not have to live with data oppression! No one should have to live with having to overpay for under-performing service on unregulated metering!
Studies show that scientific research causes cancer in rats.
I live in Chattanooga (EPB Fiber) so our power bills are pretty good at 10cents per kwh.
Saw this on EnglishRussia a few days ago, very interesting they went so far north, I wonder what the reasoning was for them to go up there?
Explore missile routes?
I research and I see what the general consensus of a product is before buying.
I use iCloud to sync notes, contacts, and email.
You are right from that standpoint, but the fact it keeps happening and some times it’s out of spite, few are legitimate concerns.
There needs to be a standard method without litigation to bring fiber to a city.
Yes, they are backed by At&t, it would be nice if we could get a universal carrier SIM and pay a low monthly rate and hop across all four networks to get the best service.
The new regs that would hopefully be imposed by the FCC is that it would cost significantly more to keep running/maintaining copper than it would to run fiber. But that’s only half the story...
The whole goal is to get quality service no matter who the customer is.
Right now, if your bill is $1000 screwy from ComCrap, the only way to get it resolved is to take it to the media (Ars Technica has been blasting CC for less than stellar business practices)
If thes companies were better behaved, we would see…
A very fitting post Eric!
Yes, EvilCable Inc. and DeathStar Enterprises definitely need some encouragement to look to reform their practices that are no longer accurate, tolerable, or even ethical in some cases.
Comcast is so much worse than Charter, their reps are rubbish!
Cricket is cheaper than Straight talk.
The NoMoreRansom website is broken in the upload&decrypt your file option...
Also, I just emailed Kinja help, can you personally (or have the web-design interns) check in with them and take some time to go over the issues reported and if needed, schedule a webex to watch them happen live?
Alan, I’ve been emailing the Kinja helpdesk for months and with screencast proof and they wrote me off as you’re the only one, we can’t be bothered to help you.