
and here's the other one.

This is the third time in the past few weeks that I've stumbled on a highschool that shared a design with my old highschool. This is so bizarre.

One of the only other "in person" stories published on the Foxconn factories, was largely discredited when it was discovered that the journalist who wrote it fabricated most of the information. That story was a lot more negative than this one. By western standards the Foxconn factory is probably not a place anyone

I'm going to assume it was a legitimate question. Yes, i'd expect that it did have a substantial dimming effect, much the way large volcanic eruptions cause so much dimming that they actually cause global decreases in temperature rather than a net increase from the greenhouse gasses they emit.

Apperently, you have to be Minnesotan to get that :)


To be fair, I Asked..I didn't assume he was serious. :) Ok it was obvious, but in my defense, sarcasm isn't quite as obvious to non-native english speakers, and there are a LOT of crazy Americans out there.

are you serious? What are you doing on this site?

They quietly invade Turkey, and rename it to "Chicken" #namethatquote

I don't disagree that Nuclear energy is promising, but we shouldn't dismiss its problems as simply related to poor management. A technology which, when mismanaged, can destroy billions in land, kill millions of people and take generations to clean up is, by definition, dangerous. You can't say it's safe simply because

To be honest, neither do I, it seems...Creepy. However, if us doing this is the only way to sustainably continue to consume chicken. GO FOR IT

If you're trying to make a human analogy, the death sentence is the wrong one. It isn't their death which is inhumane. The real question is, is a lobotomy more humane than spending your whole life shoulder to shoulder in a feces covered prison cell being attacked by other prisioners; and the answer is yes, yes it is.

You're right, I shouldn't take my exhaustion with ignorant people out on someone I don't know well. I'm sorry. You do seem to be much more open-minded than I originally expected.

It's not worth it. This man is 40 years old, if he has t figured out how logic and science work by now, no one will ever convince him that he can't "Reductio ad Absurdum" his way into winning an argument. We just need to live our lives in the way we feel is right, teach our children as best we can and learn more every

It's not universal, that "leopard" mac I was mentioning shipped with Leopard, but currently has Lion on it, and it works fantastically. Sorry, my comment wasn't very clear. My older MBP with Lion has become my primary machine because it works so much faster. My building has over 2500 machines, and many of new "i"

He's right, I'm a Mac tech, and my MBP shipped with Lion and its slower and less stable than my Leopard MBP from years ago. It's awful. I've replaced hard drives with faster ones, doubled the ram, reinstalled.. Still terrible.

dchall8...I don't think you're actually understanding the issue here. The cops are NEVER allowed to tamper someone else's equipment. Especially if said person is breaking the law/being arrested. It's considered tampering with evidence. It doesn't matter if you think the man is a terrorist or a hero, he doesn't have to

Wow, impressive, did that just...come out?

What is a Hypothesis if not an "Untested Conclusion" :) I think if someone has a Hypothesis, tests it, and concludes that the original hypothesis was correct, that constitutes a valid scientific process. Whether there is any value to this test...that's a different question!

My high school science may be wrong, but isn't the idea behind a Hypothosis by definition "Coming up with an idea, then testing to find out if it's true"? Seems legitimate to me... How is this "regular" science done?