
I hope people like you make up a silent majority, but somehow I doubt it...

This kind of upsets me, I almost didn't buy the Logitech because all of the reviews on Amazon said "the foot doesn't lock in place!" turns out it DOES lock in place, quite securely too, so securely that most people, including Gizmodo, aren't willing to push it in enough to lock it... What do these peoe think the

Thank you for giving an informed, rational answer. It is refreshing.

Je ne se pas?

This has got to be an elaborate hoax. First a story (covered by only one source) about a stolen prototype iPhone with not only the name of the restaurant in it, but even mention of a few dishes the restaurant serves. then when the story starts to die down, more breaking news, again from a single source with vested

Eek... Interesting facts about her...but Eek. For the sake of your own blood pressure I'd suggest calming a little...

You guys are fantastic. It still bothers me that many people believe that simply because you write on a "Blog" you are just just 17 year old spouting opinions from his mother's basement. The mere fact that you write for an publication read by thousands (millions?) every year makes you infinitely more qualified to

Not to be TOO much of a Nerd, but but that is just ONE of Starfleet's many shipyards, and while it's active in the late 24th century, we don't know when it is actually built. Some other major shipyards include Starbase 47, Deep Space 5 and the Ladara colony.

Best conversation yet today. (Though it is admittedly early)

If I'm coming out of a concert, I probably like the band enough to already own all their music...

another clarification, full screen doesnt mean maximized, youve been able to do that for years. Full screen in this feature means no menu bar, no taskbar, no scroll bars, no borders at all. Its all application. This is a fairly new idea in desktop computing, and im a fan of the increased real estate.

What does "You'll be able to pick it up in Apple Stores" mean? I thought this was App Store download only...

Amen both of you, I am a HUGE plane fan, and that is an amazing plane...but it Kills me to think about what would have happened if they'd just ordered half as many.

Apparently contrails, which behave similarly to clouds cool things down by preventing a certain percent of heat energy from reaching the earth during the day, at night they prevent heat from escaping as much as it normally would, making it warmer than normal. This isn't the exact same effect as climate change caused

The average temperature difference between now and the last ice-age was only 5 degrees C, and this was just a small recorded difference from relatively small changes, it is kind of scary. It doesn't seem like a big difference on our skin, but taken globally even a small temp difference means a massive change in the

and which of them have a shuttle?

It says THE space shuttle, as in the only usable space shuttle, not a rocket, not a capsule, The last people to ride in THE space shuttle.

I think the LHC straddles the border between Switzerland and France.

My mom gave me that book for my birthday a while back...what does that mean?