
The price of energy in the Netherlands is around €.22-€.25/ KwH, (or .35 USD) but your calculation is still sound.

Is it just me, or does this only in a browser? It doesn't seem to work elsewhere.

Yeah, F those "shrill" ecologists! Their only goal is to destroy American prosperity. I WANT us to clearcut our national forests, who needs oxygen from trees anyways? Plus, destroying the environment won't cause vital parts of the food chain to disappear, those animals will find other places to live.

Are you dismissing the severity of the US defaulting on it's debt? Or are you dismissing the possibility that it might happen?

You sound like one of those people who thought email was useless for communication, or that planes had no commercial value. I'm not trying to belittle your concerns, as they are all valid, but they aren't limitations of the technology, they simply haven't been addressed fully yet. Even before it becomes fluent, in a

I was just going to say this, the fact that batteries aren't on this list is shocking. I can't believe it's 2011 and we still have to plug our stuff in nightly.

I just appreciate that they spelled it correctly.

Im not stating this as fact, because I'm not sure, but when Apple made batteries non-user replaceable they offered/offer battery installations for free even out of warranty. It is possible that they will install replacement HDDs without charging. It doesn't excuse it completely, but I'd like to believe there is some

I think, at least for these LED lights, the fact that the added added Android@Home chip adds very little additional cost means that it doesn't matter where the equipment is, if you want the tech, you just buy the bulb that has it built in. No adapters or special lamps. They may build it directly into lamps in the

What happens when Best Buy's prices when they shell out millions to settle a lawsuit with the robber/employee when someone gets injured in the store? We all wish we didn't live in such a litigious place, but that isn't the country we live in. It just isn't worth it, one time or a dozen times it isn't worth it. I just

I think the "Right?" was an attempt at Sarcasm, but I can't be sure. I didn't see the sarcmark...

Really? I get where your gut is coming from, but as many other comentors are saying, rules exist for a reason, and Best Buy's are there to protect the company AND the employee, this guy could have gotten hurt, (or killed if the robber had a knife or gun), all to protect a couple hundred dollars of insured stock. I

Is there an advantage to this over the f1.8 35MM Nikkor I picked up for $120 last year? I've loved it! It's practically the only one I use.

That's a very good point, I wish it were the case, but at least for the New Yorker, it isn't.

Is anyone else just tired? So tired of everything, all of it.


Yes, in addition to radius we do secure it via WPA2. We are a public school district, and our admins have put emphasis on being able to track nefarious activities by our students. Because of this, students must come in and register their name and device on the network before they can are "allowed" to use it. Sure, you

Oh for god's sake, I'm sure they were talking about the unmarked bags and envelopes that can't be associated with an owner, and I'm sure they are talking about AFTER the money already goes to the government after the 3 month waiting period. I think sneak's idea is the perfect way to put the money back to where it

You're assuming that they have had just as much time to develop as we have... The earth has only existed for 4 of the 12 billion years since the birth of our universe. Whole solar systems have come into, and out of existence in that time. Humans evolved from apes in only a few million years, and we've built our

Tell me about it, or find the MAC address on one android phone, and then immediately try to find it on another one..they are NEVER in the same place! (We have to register MAC addresses on our network to grant access to wireless)