
Thank you for being the voice of reason..I should start an award for the most sensible and pragmatic posts of the day.

From what I've heard, that Jello effect is a result of the way the CMOS sensor in modern dSLR's refreshes, and is quite difficult to compensate for. I'd love to see a fix for it too. (In this way at least, CCD sensors were better than CMOS.

Being an educator is one of the more noble professions in this world, thank you for that.

^ Hero

Most environmentalists agree with you, human impact on the natural predators of dear have lead to an overall increase in total dear population that can be detrimental to the environment. So if you have some kind of need to hunt, have at them. I am disappointed however that the leopard didn't finish Mr. Parsons off.

I can't believe I'm still with them too, but their data is honestly shockingly faster on AT&T, on the order of twice as fast. My mom and I tested it, and even though my ATT phone is a 3GS, and she had a 4, a large app took twice as long to download on hers. Both had full bars...I was really surprised and disappointed,


Being able to openly bash your own country is about the only good thing LEFT about the US... (You see what I did there?) that, and the fact that we joined the rest of the world with Universal Health Care.

Heh...Reductio ad absurdum. My favorite form of sarcasm.

Ok, IMHO, this guys footage was much better than even WCCO's official footage of the incident...geez. I hope these new agencies give there reporters HD smartphones from now on!

They have to be light, because the iPad is just light enough not to make your arm tired after 2 hours of reading.


Thank you for being the voice of reason. It seems like a lot of people feel like because they don't have downtime to access leisure activities at work, no one should. Like groolthedemon above who says "It makes me wonder how many of them [elected officials] are going for the Angry Birds high score or sending each

I don't want to belabor this, but I pay AT&T for 2GB of data, if I pay them an additional $20, I get an additional 2GB of data to share with other devices right? So if I jailbreak, legally, and install this application, I'm not using anything extra over what I have already paid them for. It doesn't somehow allow me to

@tophermyers: It's ok to be that callouss and apathetic about your environment, it's your right. Just be careful your smart mouth doesn't come back and bite you in the butt when WE can't evolve fast enough to deal with the changes we have created. It's all well and good to think you are all that, until water and food

@Burt Reynolds Mustache: I saw their sizes too, and thought the same thing. But their size conversion chart is measured by the length of your foot, not shoe size. So even though my size is 13, my foot length is 12

I'm so glad Giz readers are smart enough not to take things at face value. I had the same reaction as many of you: "What's the big deal"