
Don't forget about the Fringe alternate universe, where MLK Jr. Wasn't killed, and possibly even became president.

@MasterGiz: I've had the same thing, credit card company suits, mortgage and now this. I don't know how businesses get any "innovation" done with all of these lawsuits going on. I should have become a lawyer...

@Nick Twigg: We had the same problem in Minnesota, but they figured out that the snow was collecting because of those hoods they put over the lights, and they put the hoods on so that the light would still be visible during the day. With the new LEDs, they don't need the hood anymore, because they are bright enough,

@GuardDuck: And what happens when a person in your office building does it? Or a person at a school? Or a person at the state fair? Or a person on the Subway? A plane isn't the only place to blow something up, so if you have that should probably just stay home...

@jason.schwanke: Youve made an extremely valid point that I wish we would pay more attention to. I have been to Israel, they don't have body scanners, they barely have pat downs, they just have incredibly well trained men and women who know what to look for. Sure, they occasionally randomly shoot a journalist's

@OMG! Ponies!: Your sarcasm is so delicious... yum yum yum... *Licks Fingertips*

@touwe: I think it means it will check to see if your tabs are up to date...

@Settings: Have you seen Scandinavians? That's normal :)

@sid9221: Maybe, but without Googling it, do you know which country

@boo: Thank you, there isn't much hope for us, but there is some...

What's really disturbing is that I work for a Public School, and those are the same computers we use... Good Ol' Dell D600 Series

@Azures: As much as I hate this, it is, for the most part true. Though some societies are better at making proactive decisions than others.

@Ignignokt: Very good point.. a little like the way they released the first one without 3G :)

Congratulations California on another step towards equality. It is nice to see sanity beat out the same Traditional Christian Values that tried to convince us that Black people were sub-human. Now you just need to convince a majority of your citizens that it is true. (Including, ironically, the majority of Black

@mikehtiger: By God...he's solved it *English Accent*

@SnowSoul: You mean the debt-ridding Government they didn't vote for, who spent billions at war, tanked the economy with pointless tax cuts and an unregulated economy that then required a new government to spend trillions to support it during a recovery? That one?