
@NotSure2010: I'm not entirely sure how this got twisted to make a political statement, but since it was, I'll make one in response. Capitalism has it's merits and is an overall good thing. However, when you take it too far, and forget that you need to foster a SOCIETY, then you get a country with no middle class,

@Colage: Mmmm, that sarcasm was tasty indeed :)

@Jay Hankins: Agreed, and thank you for mentioning it. I grew up in South Africa, and when I moved here I could never figure out why Americans said they "Could" care less. We always said "Couldn't care less" in SA.

@Applerain: It does! One of those awful sounding names like wife-beater or...

@Hello Mister Walrus: I know right? Sometimes American logic astounds me, not only are they flourishing post-bailout, bit they are paying us back faster than expected. Nevernind the obvious idiocy of saying "I am a shareholder in a company, and I hope they FAIL" God help us..

@evanminn01: In addition to that, there are dates listed at 16/07/10 (euro spec) on some of the screens, and if that is photoshopped, it is done better than the rest of the photoshopping!

@kake81: You have no idea... in just 80% humidity that pool water just makes you hotter, your body can't cool itself, it feels like death. Our humidity hits the 90%'s for at least a few weeks during the summer. I just build a tent directly over the AC vent and never leave.

@corpore-metal: You are I are cut from the same cloth sir!

They corrected the "grain" problem, but not the "sometime science" problem. Personally I prefer "all the time science" rather than that pesky one that only applies occasionally.

@treyhennigan1: It isn't your management, it is your IT department. We recently chose to change our Desktop systems from HP to Dell, even with this in mind, because HP's Technical support is so god-awful. We have never had better (business) support than what we get from Dell.

@Michael Coogan: Ha, I read this a little while ago and thought...oh, I should mention to this guy that I purchased a 3GS right away, and I was allowed not only to upgrade to the iPhone 4 for $299, but also to upgrade my wife's non-iphone to another non-iphone for the full "New Customer" discount. However, when I

I found a Giant box of multi-colored floppy disks, and I have been making things with them for weeks now! It's great!