
Long wait times are not a reality of a single-payer system. It's a failure of the Canadian system specifically. There are plenty of single-payer systems in the world with few\shorter wait times. In addition, even the "perfect" competitive market has dramatic wait times. I live in the US and had to wait 4 months to see

You'd be amazed how good our conservative politicians and conservative segments of our media are at manipulating a majority of our population. For 10 years we've watched our education quality plumet, our healthcare systems get more expensive and less effective, our infrastructure (literally) crumble and more and more

It sounds obvious to you and I, but as "Dolemite" mentions about, there is a HUGE segment (rivaling 50% of the population) that believes that capitalism is the best way treat our health, and that America has the best healthcare in the world. It's not so obvious to people in that segment...


I dunno, I feel like the stereotypical Apple fanboy would LOVE public transit. It's cars they would think is too mainstream.

Please don't misunderstand, I'm not belittling your right to disapprove of where your money is being spent, I'm arguing your basis for disapproval. Many (most) Americans disapprove of where their tax dollars are being spend because they're too shortsighted to see how that spending will, in the long run, benefit them

I agree that we'll eventually need to see reviews from people who get to spend several days with a car, but when are we going stop hearing from people like you harping about where your tax dollars go? I'm exhausted by this new wave of self-centeredness. It's like listening to a toddler yelling "Mine!" all the time.

I agree that we'll eventually need to see reviews from people who get to spend several days with a car, but when are we going stop hearing from people like you harping about where your tax dollars go? I'm exhausted by this new wave of self-centeredness. It's like listening to a toddler yelling "Mine!" all the time.

Damn it, now I have to get a new keyboard from dousing mine after reading BOTH of your comments!

All female eh? Someone else tried that... And "Life will find a way"

Obviously someone hasn't read the Amazonian Bible...

I'd personally be happy of it just included a better direction engine. Google has decided it will never allow me to travel on a small stretch of freeway near home, so even if I am currently ON the freeway, it will guide me off, guide me 15km out of my way, then back on the same freeway. It's infuriating.

That has to be what it was, or some kind of alert tone! Genius! Give me a minute, I have to go get my friends phone...

It's quite convenient and efficient to be able to turn your heat/AC off all day and turn it back on when you leave for home. At least to those of us who 1) Don't have a traditional 9-5 job, 2) Often stay at work late or don't have others at home, 3) Often don't go directly home after work, choosing to rather go to a

Wow, I'd never seen that before, I almost hope for his sake it's shopped, but it's just too perfect. Edit: Yes, read further down and find out it is almost had to be, but a guy can hope can't he?

I know people abuse there power in any job, but for some reason, it just REALLY gets to me when it's police. They just demand so much trust and respect in this country, it stands to reason that they should be twice as hard on officers when that trust is broken, but it doesn't seem that's the case. The CEO of a Fortune

My TV's remote is IR, and has 50 million buttons on it (I may be exaggerating a little) if it can control so many different functions, there is no reason a $3000 dSLR shouldn't be able to do more with it's IR remote than a simple shutter trigger.

It's really interesting you mention that choice, I just watched this last night: []

I think 60% is renewable energy produced on-site, the rest will likey be renewable energy produced offsite.

And the headline will be on Fox.