
Finding all this information took one minute of Google searching.

Is it that hard to use your brain for millennials?

Prepaid phone? What century are you in? Also, it's not hard for homeless people to get addresses.

I think the main fear is that the homeless and transients will use the theater as a spot to hang out and disturb people who actually want to watch the movie.

You just say nonsense without backing yourself up?

They could easily overstay for the whole day if they're smart.

It's not hard to get a smartphone these days, you know…

I'm guessing AMC hates it because it will turn their theaters, and others, into a homeless hangout spot for $10 a month. That's why they're concerned.

I think AMC's main fear is homeless people hanging out in the theater, as well as other undesirables who aren't there for the movie, but to waste some time away from home for whatever reason. You've basically turned theaters into a transient hangout spot, cheaper than a hotel room for a the price of $10 a month.

The one thing I hate about my generation is that they've been brainwashed by the media and the education system and are too dumb to think for themselves. I know, you're going to tell me I'm wrong, I'm stupid, but please, get out there, get a job, go try to actually build something up, then come back and see if Trump

You showed them!

Absolutely horrible logic and a sad indicator of the typical Democrat Marxist who despises Trump and stomps their feet in anger because the guy speaks the truth sometimes. Like I said, I wouldn't vote for the guy, I wouldn't vote for Bernie either, but he's more in touch with reality than most of the politicians out

This is why I deleted AV Club from my bookmarks bar. I'm not a Trump supporter, but you've gone off the deep end with your political bias and vendettas.

What are you smoking?

Yeah, they deleted my comments criticizing them. This site is a joke. I hope it goes bankrupt.

What a pathetic site. They delete your comment if it goes against their agenda. Wow.

Seriously, how are these posts not getting deleted? Wow. Crap site. What a joke.

Even more reason to ditch this site for actively practicing in censorship.

Not true in your world. You should seek out a psych.

OMG, you are insufferable. Everything I said is true, whether you like it or not. Thanks. Are you 12, btw?