
Oh, believe me, they are. You didn't find the bad ones.

If the compliments were from buskers, they weren't genuine. That's something they do.


I've been in one of the new ones. It looks like complete crap. They will be changing back very soon. Some interior decorator conned them.

Facebook is banning and suspending people for ridiculous reasons now. If you call someone a loser, you get banned. That site is over, it's time for people to jump ship. If I owned stock in it, I'd sell it tomorrow. It's over. It's the next Yahoo.

Downey isn't even worth it, to be honest. They could hardball him, and he'd come back on his knees, begging Marvel to sign him back for a pittance. What else does he have going for him?

They're all making WAY too much money, and it's hurting the quality of the films.

Next season is make or break, but it does seem like they're running out of ideas, giving into corporate hacks.

In light of what I know now, apparently, the nonsense writing was just a cover for a location change. Maybe next season will be better if all this out of the way.

Flawlessly? I beg to differ about this one here.

A few things this season were RIDICULOUSLY rushed and it was easy to tell. The Nola fight was absolutely random and bizarre. I'm guessing the decision to move the show took place around this time and it was a cheap way to get a gruesome fight scene in and dispose of an unnecessary character.

That and Kai, Burton and Rebecca taking down the Philly gang by themselves.

Not that bad, but if this keeps up, it should be there by about episode 3 or 4 next season.

Carrie has become pointless on the show. I was hoping/thinking she was going to go at the end of the season.

One thing I didn't buy was Proctor going to that funeral by himself. Also, they've started turning Burton into a one-man army and it's getting old.

You're right, my bad. Assassin it is, I guess. Or something else.

Wow. How are they going to work this angle with Proctor then? He moves too?

Your martial arts analysis was atrocious. This is a TV show.

I agree completely. He went from meek and mild lawyer to all-out bad ass in a few episodes. Completely terrible, inconsistent writing.

One thing I hated about the raid on the Philly guy's hideout was that it was done with Kai, Burton and Becca. No fucking way. In the past, this show was not this ridiculous about the action scenes. Now they're just trying to stuff as many in as possible without any thought.