
You are essentially asking for an isometric which negates depth and volume.

I just replied to Vladimir ...

I’m sorry to hear you missed out on Tie Fighter ...

Que chido, sale y vale ...

Simon carnal, pero que ellos me tengan miedo a mi porque yo no les tengo miedo a ellos. Si me corralean me voy como lo hicieron los niños heroes.

Mira, la cosa es que los verdaderos republicanos no votaron por el (por la major parte). Fueron la bola de racistas y el resto de esa tribu. Gente que no tiene educacion, gente que no quiere crecer y aprender nuevos trabajos. Son los mismos que se quejan que los immigrantes les quitaron los trabajos. Gente que aunque

yeah ... but that makes sense ...

Thank you! I was waiting for someone to spike that ball!

He can’t play in the snow ... not going to the Vikings that’s for sure.

That’s not purple ... that’s magenta!!!

Pffft, all I need to do is wash my car and it goes faster.

No problem!

I have always been a fan for two other reasons ... Now I’m a fan for a new reason :)

The thing is he changed the title from:

How can we NOT watch it if you placed an auto-play GIF right at the top of the story ....

Sounds like sabotage to me and it was this guy.