My real life car’s name is Sofia the 3rd.
My real life car’s name is Sofia the 3rd.
Yes but are they shinny toy guns?
Replying to myself to reply to Zack: thanks Zack.
Hi Zack, can I get ungreyed for life on Kotaku again? I used to be a regular ages ago, even before the whole reason for greying out people was a thing. Back when io9 was real.
The wheels on those first two cars are the worst wheel made by mankind.
I keep looking for the down-vote button but can’t find it.
I will never key scratch this car because that’s just NOT what you do to someone else’s car.
Wait, what? What kind of “paper” is this?
Are you saying its “too soon”?
Are people not getting what you are saying???
Look man, the reason the DeLorean was chosen was BECAUSE it was a ridiculous choice! Even Marty made a comment to Doc saying so when he first saw the car. So seriously your entire article is NULL.
It also looks best in someone else’s driveway :)
So ... did Torchinsky leave his Photoshop template open on his computer??
I wanted that plane so bad as a kid ...
You know I tried to upload green ones but Kinja would not let me. Those runners up look awesome, especially that Tundra pattern!
Green Warthog is the best Warthog.
Sometimes I think you go out and stage this pictures just so you can use them as memes. I always wondered how you got so many girls with the right cars ...
Jezza one time said something similar to this (don’t remember his exact quote):