

To be fair io9 used to be a good place to find good articles with intelligent comments without the tinfoil hat wearing goofballs that have infiltrated over the past year and a half.

It makes me wonder if they will try to repeal science.

Daewoo Leganza

“but that doesn’t prevent drivers from going balls-out and bouncing off every corner of the tight walls.”

Thank you for not letting her off the hook :)

Give them a prize similar to the COTDs

No biggie, you’ve shown great poise in light of the number of responses you have received.

I bet you won’t ask that question again...


Maybe its how the zombie apocalypse is supposed to start!

We can do more, there is still one ray of hope left:

Please un-gray this comment.

Ok, I don’t use caps very often:

If she doesn’t get the right answer she will be punished.

I had not seen that before ... wow ... Why can’t people see who he is?

I have a ‘15 Mustang GT but it does not have too much power (at least not yet). It has the right amount of power for me.

Good point and question. Ok, maybe this will appeal to them.