
I’m not greedy. Besides, Indian’s fans have been cool so far so why not?

I know right? Aren’t you envious of my nobility?

Basically its just North side and South side with the border being Madison St.

I’m a Cubs fan and I was thinking if by chance we had a rematch next year I wouldn’t even be mad if the Indians won in ‘17.

That’s what’s called: “I’m so anti-social that I am willing to go to extremes not to give a ride to anyone”.

That’s good to know, like I said I wasn’t sure about 67. I thought 67 was basically like 66 but I guess its closer to 68. Thanks for the info!

I like the sidewall “fat” too.

The Coyote is big but the 69 body is bigger; I think it would even fit a 68. Not sure about 64.5 through 67.

No Joke: First thing that came to mind!

Jalopnik running out of ideas ... :(


The 6th Day” starring the ex-Governator, Ahnold.

We shall go four-wheeling this weekend ...

You must be a millennial ... geez don’t forget to vote!

Congrats, well done!

Oh yeah!!! I remember that line now! Ha, ha hilarious!


They are the only part I remember!