
My question is what happens when you create a sonic boom on land?

I always wished I had served on a Battleship.

Meanwhile on Jezebel (via LifeHacker):

Have a Snickers Jan!

Have a Snickers Jan!

“Left door is open, left door is open ...”

My first car; a 1982 Datsun Maxima was RWD. It had a nice V6 that was easy to work on and it always started in the winter, ALWAYS (and I’m talking temps that were -70 F with the windchill).

Aw man you should have hyperlinked “next!” to something like this.

Explect the unexplected ...

Ugh ... for the billionth time: the air intake in the grill of modern cars is engineered to take in as much air as the engine needs. Ford, Chevy and Dodge all do the same thing.

I have to agree with Laserijk; the car is worth what someone is willing to pay for it but if people think its worth it then its a fair price.


I replied to “didyourlysaythat?”. Take a look to see how if really interested.

I’ve never had a bad Taco Bell burrito because I’ve never had a Taco Bell burrito.

“Only in small sections of the shopping mall/business center/human maze will a person occasionally be spotted pushing a lonely shopping cart down an aisle lit by endless fluorescent lights. Canned foods and packaged goods gleam untouched on shelves; museum pieces in an exhibition of superfluous development that needs

I was just guessing.

Hmm maybe but then again the episode would not be removed from Netflix if viewers complain of it being “inappropriate” since its a paid service.

It was likely removed from rotation at some point even though I don’t think its a that big a deal.