
Did you guys see the lava episode?

Nice catch!

The LEDs are cool but this panel is the best!

I was just about to go find this picture, thanks for posting.

Whoa ... I didn’t know there were classes. (Seriously) Please tell us more about the “class” system.

He said more “expensive”. Expense does not relate to purchasing or ownership.

You must be new to this internet thing we have going on ...

As long as those are Woolly Mammoths then yeah.

Anything else posted is just absurd.

AND its recommenced to be a two-man job (whatever that means*).

Nice find! I can feel the torque!

I just want to know how to target those muscles.

You will need this; its made for DVDs but also works on CDs.

Dude you forgot the most obvious one: The wheel!

or due to the lackluster V6 option being...well...pointless.

“Ouch! You must be the fashion model.. who answered my ad in the Penny Saver. Welcome to my abode.. come in.. please. Wow! You would.. you would make a beautiful spokesperson.. for my new line.. of cosmetic. Please, sit.. Sit, please. Please.. sit. Normally, I would offer you.. vintage Champagna.. and cavier. But.. I