
i can haz injoymentz!!1!!

Yes indeed, it would be a more incredibly realistic series.

Chills braw ... chills ... :)

This episode gave us the greatest music of all time!!

When we get a new co-worker I speak to them using these words; if he/she replies properly he/she is in.

Flashing Yellow Light: Come to a complete stop. Look around in utter confusion, as if your husband just called and insisted that you must come home at once, because the microwave is attacking the cats. Proceed when clear.

Yes! Thanks for the title. I forgot the movie but never forgot the helicopter.

Ha ha ... yes! Very true indeed!

BEST seat in the house ... :)

Sorry for the million posts ... I just really like Star Trek! Thanks for the stars.

This NEEDS to be number 1.

I have seen this episode a million times and never get tired of it.

I love the disaster ones.

Because of this episode I have looked up real life voids in Wikipedia.

Yep, this is what is like to serve in the Enterprise.

I had a crush on this woman when I was a teen ... I know TMI.

Great episode, loved this scene!

She was awesome and also the Alien ship they found. I drew it so many times as a kid.

This is a great episode, I only wish they could have had more space battles with the Enterprise as a massive dreadnought.