
Yes! totally agree!

I have watched this episode so many times!

Oh man! ... Wow, just wow ... :)

Get a college degree first and then join up as an officer and then you WILL fly one of these.

Here is a more technical image.

I don't think they got it working but I think they should give it another try. NASA needs more funding!

Or this one too:

Which male?

Was that one of the 9 lives escaping at 00:19?

Real life without special effects = Real life.

Yeah man that was hilarious.

They have high strength/tension wires which can't be seen from this distance on that picture. They should hold a car accidentally falling out although if it was done on purpose I don't know if it would hold.

Oh man this is so depressing ... did you have to post this on a Monday? You could have waited till Wednesday.

You should ask Jessica there for help.

Read my reply to 4play; it addresses this point.


Sure, it's all good.

Yes! That's exactly what I do too!