
Cool, I've never heard of the Renegades cartoon; I will look into that. As for the original cartoons from the 80's; yeah I agree they were very buddy-buddy with the toy companies but when I watch them now as an adult I take off my "adult" brain and watch just for fun.

Hmm yeah I essentially said that on my post so ....

Hmm thanks for the suggestion but I don't think I can; I'm better off not doing it, you know? I will hate my self the day after if I do.

I will not be looking for any Easter eggs because I will skip this movie just like I skipped all the recent Transformer and GI Joe movies. I can't get over the character design; just my opinion.

Exactly! After all we are talking about the Empire here.

I think their real strength was supposed to be in their numbers.


THIS IS BEAUTIFUL! I sooooo would like to go there!

You mean it shouldn't have ended like this:

This one will happen sooner than you think.

Hmm I agree, lets test your theory:

ALL software glitches now and then; even biochemical.

He is the GIF that keeps on giving ...

I thought the same thing! Full of "awe!!" and "way to go old friend!!"

There, that's what they meant to do!!!

A bit off topic here ...

Ah full of good news aren't you?

To infinity ... and beyond!! ;)

Hi, are there any warning signs before a sinkhole develops?

LOL rainbow in the background ... :)