
While I have no proof, this is likely to be the plot of the next Prometheus movie or at least it should be.

OMG lol good stuff man ... good stuff.

LOL by the time I got to the Flash I knew where this was going. LOL.

David Pearce, the problem with using a Biblical "prophesies" with any argument is they diminish the strength of the argument whether the interpretation is used figuratively or literally.

900 ft yacht? The ship I served on in the Navy was 500 ft and it was big.

Could be and I guess he doesn't know that either.

"The Bible prophesies that the wolf and the lion shall lie down with the lamb."

" ... set with the goal of achieving nothing less than the elimination of all suffering on the planet. And by all suffering, he means all suffering."

To David Pearce:

This appears to come from some British Commonwealth territory, as they're driving on the wrong side of the street and the street signage is English. I's not clear exactly why the motorcyclist crossed the double-yellow and ended up the world's worst airplane, but he did. And, incredibly, wasn't injured at all.

... and mustaches.

One that we can't wait for?

Same here!

Geez the more I hear about it the more I am glad of my choice.

Now playing

I completely agree, it seems really un-ethical. This reminds me of the rat brain controlled robot I saw several years ago.

Wow really? Robot balls? Man! I have boycotted the Transformers movies so I have not seen any of the bad stuff. Ugh so horrible, glad I didn't see them ... till now!