
Like this?

I loved my SNES version and still play it now.

The Atari 5200 version ruled!

This was my first RPG too and I was hooked. I had just subscribed to Nintendo Power and received the world map for the game. I would play every day after school.

DAD!!!!!! :)

Nice choice!

Again, pretty cool!

Hmm, well I guess its all kinda arbitrary. Cool.

"Phone-dial wheels" Awesome, I didn't know they were called that.

"1991 944s were convertibles" Hmm, I did not know that. Thank you sir, that kinda does make a difference.

Cool, I understand that but if I owned a 944 (for example) I would like it included. Imagine if you owned this car and you liked it, would you like it included?

Kill it with Fire!

Much better! RWB too!

I knew I was reaching but some were produced in the 90s so that's why I think it counts.

Porsche 944

Picture or it doesn't exist. :)

THAT is a great GIF!

Pffft I think the fact that there are 20 stars from 20 different people in addition to comments from other individual people that agree, understood and knew what I meant mean you and those who did not understand are in the minority.